jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Thursday 29th April

today we have done the reading exercises on page 80, we have commented on alternative therapies and on some vocabulary from the text.
Afterwards, I have explained the structure of opinion essays, I have handed a photocopy and you have to write one for next week on the current topic you prefer. Ideas: Should doctors be punished if they make mistakes? Should healthcare be free for everyone? What is better for you, medicine or alternative therapies? ...
see you next week!

Básico 2 R, Thursday 29th April

today we have practiced some listening and speaking, with the dvd on page 60, we have seen the first two dialogues and we have commented on some problems that you may have when you buy something to see some more vocabulary. Then you have practised the dialogues in pairs.
After that, we have seen the formal e-mail on page 61 and you have to write one for next week followinng the directions on this page.
See you next week!

Básico 2 LL and I, Wednesday 28th April

today we have practiced some listening and speaking, with the dvd on page 60, we have seen the first two dialogues and we have commented on some problems that you may have when you buy something to see some more vocabulary. Then you have practised the dialogues in pairs.
After that, we have seen the formal e-mail on page 61 and you have to write one for next week followinng the directions on this page.
See you next week!

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Thursday 27th April

we have had class with Ben today, and he has talked about elections in the United States.
In the second hour we have corrected homework, workbook page 47, and we have practiced the modals of speculation in present and past in a speaking activity about some strange stories that I have given to you.
See you on Thursday!

Básico 2 R, Tuesday 27th April

today we have corrected homework from the workbook. Then we have read the text on pages 56-57, about a woman who had to do some tests in Polish to show if it is possible to learn a language in just one month. After that we have done the listening exercise, and the vocabulary section on page 57, modifiers.
Finally, we have explained the prepositions of movement from lesson 5D, we have done the second part of page 148 and the grammar bank exercises on page 135.
Homework: workbook pages 46-47, section 2 Grammar, exercises a and b (the two about prepositions).

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Básico 2 I, Monday 26th April

today we have corrected homework from the workbook. After that, we have explained the prepositions of movement from lesson 5D, we have done the second part of page 148 and the grammar bank exercises on page 135.
In the second hour we have practised some speaking with Ben who has come today because he couldn´t do it last week.
Homework: workbook pages 46-47, section 2 Grammar, exercises a and b (the two about prepositions).

Básico 2 LL, Monday 26th April

today we have corrected homework from the workbook. Then we have remembered the text from pages 56-57, the woman who had to do some tests in Polish to show if it is possible to learn a language in just one month. After that we have done the listening exercise, and the vocabulary section on page 57, modifiers.
Finally, we have explained the prepositions of movement from lesson 5D, we have done the second part of page 148 and the grammar bank exercises on page 135.
Homework: workbook pages 46-47, section 2 Grammar, exercises a and b (the two about prepositions).

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Thursday 22nd April

today we have studied modal verbs of speculation must, can't, may, might, could, and their use to guess about the present, future and past.
We have done exercises 2 and 3 from the grammar section from the book, pages 78-79.
I have shown you some pictures on the computer so that you could say sentences about what you thought was happening to practice these verbs.
Homework: workbook page 47, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Have a nice weekend!

Básico 2 R, Thursday 22nd April

today we have studied must and have to. we have done the exercises on page 56, Grammar and pronunciation exercise c, and we have also done section 5c from the grammar bank, page 135.
In the second hour you have done some speaking practice with Ben for the final exam.
Homework: workbook page 44 exercises 1 a, b, and c.

Básico 2 I, Wednesday 21st April

today we have studied must and have to. we have done the exercises on page 56, Grammar and pronunciation exercise c, and we have also done section 5c from the grammar bank, page 135.
After that, we have done the reading and listening exercises on pages 56-57, and also the vocabulary section, modifiers.
Homework: workbook page 44 exercises 1 a, b, and c, 3 (vocabulary, modifiers)
PS. We should have had class with Ben today but he couldn't come. We'll probably have his class next week.

Básico 2 LL, Wednesday 21st April

today we have studied must and have to. we have done the exercises on page 56, Grammar and pronunciation exercise c, and we have also done section 5c from the grammar bank, page 135.
In the second hour you have done some speaking practice with Ben for the final exam.
Homework: workbook page 44 exercises 1 a, b, and c.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Tuesday 20th April

today we have corrected homework (workbook page 46) and we have revised the vocabulary we learnt last week.
Then we have done the speaking and vocabulary exercises on page 78 and we have practised the health idioms. We have also commented on some other interesting words related to health.
Finally we have done the listening exercises and a small debate on weather doctors should be punished if they make a mistake or not.
See you on Thursday!

Básico 2 R, Tuesday 20th April

today we have corrected the exercises to+infinitive/-ing from the workbook. I have handed a photocopy to go on practising this grammar point for those of you who are interested.
Afterwards, you have practised some speaking with the sentences from page 55, exercise 4b. We have also done the listening exercises on the same page.
Finally, we have commented on the verbs must and have to, which we are going to see in the next lesson. We will see them in more detail next day.
See you!

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Básico 2 LL and I, Monday 19th April

today we have corrected the exercises to+infinitive/-ing from the workbook. I have handed a photocopy to go on practising this grammar point for those of you who are interested.
Afterwards, you have practised some speaking with the sentences from page 55, exercise 4b. We have also done the listening exercises on the same page.
Finally, we have commented on the verbs must and have to, which we are going to see in the next lesson. We will see them in more detail next day.
See you!

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Thursday 15th April

today we have revised the vocabulary from Tuesday, especially the one related to symptoms. Then, we have done exercise 3 on page 76, and after that, you have done three mini role-plays (pages 142 and 146) to practice these expressions.
Afterwards, we have read the text on pages 76-77, and we have commented on the vocabulary and exercises. I have also explained the title of the next lesson (bill of health) but we have stopped there.
Homework: workbook, page 46, exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.
Have a nice weekend!

Básico 2 R, Thursday 15th April

today we have studied the list of verbs followed by to+infinitive on page 154 from the book, and then you have done some speaking in pairs with the set of questions on page 53, exercise 5 c to practice these verbs.
After that, we have started lesson 5b, we have read the text on page 54 and commented on the different opinions written there. Then, I have explained the situations in which we use verb-ing: after some verbs, after prepositions and when the verb works as a subject at the beginning of a sentence. We have read the list of verbs followed by -ing on page 154 and we have done exercises from section 5b on page 135. Finally, I have explained verbs try, remember and start, because they can be followed by either to + infinitive or -ing. (see the examples on page 154)
Homework: workbook, pages 40, 42, and from page 43, exercise d.
Have a nice weekend!

Básico 2 LL and I, Wednesday 14th April

today we have studied the list of verbs followed by to+infinitive on page 154 from the book, and then you have done some speaking in pairs with the set of questions on page 53, exercise 5 c to practice these verbs.
After that, we have started lesson 5b, we have read the text on page 54 and commented on the different opinions written there. Then, I have explained the situations in which we use verb-ing: after some verbs, after prepositions and when the verb works as a subject at the beginning of a sentence. We have read the list of verbs followed by -ing on page 154 and we have done exercises from section 5b on page 135. Finally, I have explained verbs try, remember and start, because they can be followed by either to + infinitive or -ing. (see the examples on page 154)
Homework: workbook, pages 40, 42, and from page 43, exercise d.
Have a nice weekend!

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Avanzado 1 Z, Tuesday 13th April

today Ben has been with us for the first hour and he has talked about cosmetic surgery, you have learnt some new words and done a small debate.
In the second hour, we have started unit 8, health, we have spoken for some minutes to introduce the topic and we have done the vocabulary exercise 1 on page 76.
See you on Thursday!

Básico 2 R, Tuesday 13th April

today we've started unit 5. First we have talked about parties and in pairs you have done the speaking exercise on page 52. Then we have read the text on the same page and you have filled in the gaps with to+ infinitive of the verbs from the box. After that, we have explained when and why we use to + infinitive. You have a summary on page 134, section 5A. We have also done the exercises from 5A on page 135.
Finally, we have done the listening exercises on page 53.
See you on Thursday!

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Básico 2 LL e I, Monday 12th April

today we've started unit 5. First we have talked about parties and in pairs you have done the speaking exercise on page 52. Then we have read the text on the same page and you have filled in the gaps with to+ infinitive of the verbs from the box. After that, we have explained when and why we use to + infinitive. You have a summary on page 134, section 5A. We have also done the exercises from 5A on page 135.
Finally, we have done the listening exercises on page 53.
See you on Wednesday!

I'm back!

Hola a todos!
ya he vuelto ¡por fin! después de la baja, así que si no hay ningún percance (touch wood) estaré con vosotros hasta final de curso.
Saludos y me alegro de veros de nuevo!